Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Some photos to start your year off

Happy new year all..

Here's some photos to get you started this year - all taken on Sunday, developed in my bathroom cum darkroom tonight. I could have done it earlier, but what can I say - I'm lazy :-)

ATR rotating
ATR lifting off... Photo credit: Euan Kilgour

Archer FWS + Harvard 078
An Archer, a Harvard and some Cessna in the way

Some likely lads...
A couple of likely lads...

Harvard 078
Harvard 078

Nice Harvard engine + prop shot
Closer shot of the engine + prop

Cessna 172 ZK-JGP
My normal 172.. The Millenium Falcon


Rodney said...

Nice photos! Happy New Year!

Chris Nielsen said...

Thanks Rodney!